Seeing is Believing with the Cimbria SEA IQ PLUS

I will be honest, when we were told what the new IQ PLUS from Cimbria SEA was capable of I was pretty skeptical. All of the features they were boasting about seemed pretty far fetched to me based on what I knew about colour sorters at the time. When we got one in the lab at Nexeed HQ and started playing with it, I quickly changed my tune. The speed with which we can have an accurate recipe sorting seed is currently unmatched in the marketplace.

There are a few reasons why this is now the case, along with the improved hardware on this machine it also has new and improved lighting as well the BRAIN. The BRAIN is Cimbria SEA’s version of AI, although everyone right now is boasting about their AI capabilities the BRAIN version attacks it differently. This allows us to feed the machine a picture of what is good and what is bad and it will differentiate between the two and spit out a recipe in a flash. We call this “Good, Bad, Go.”

Along with the lights and the BRAIN are the cameras. What comes standard with this machine is a RGBN camera. This is a camera that is simultaneously looking at the red, green and blue colour spectrum as well as the near infrared. The other camera that is available is the SWIR cameras, this is allowing us to separate a hull from no hull (wheat from barley) by looking at the seed at two different wavelengths of infrared. This is the next generation of InGaAs cameras.

With all of these things combined we are able to be more precise with our separations, the cleanout is less, the speed is increased and user operation has become much easier. All of this combines to bring what we believe to be the best optical sorter in the market today.

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