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How Can We Help with Your GRAIN, FOOD & SEED PROCESSing?

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Nexeed Equipment Solutions
Nexeed has been providing grain processing equipment & seed processing equipment solutions for over 30 years!

What is Nexeed Inc.?

Nexeed supports & services all the equipment we sell. We are a full-solution provider.

Since 1993, Nexeed has been helping processors like you to satisfy their customers and enhance efficiency. We understand that processing is not easy and that no two situations are identical. We know that upgrading your plant or building new is a challenge. We work with these opportunities every day and have developed unique expertise.

Combining our experience with your wants & needs, our process ensures you get what you are looking for and get the plant you need.

30+ years of experience has taught us that there are four key components when looking at your processing needs.

Nexeed Grain and Seed Processing Equipment


Nexeed equipment solutions is offering CIMBRIA Delta air screen cleaners, stoner, indent and gravity separators as well as CIMBRIA SEA optical color sorters for seed, grain, and food processing.
Nexeed Grain and Seed Cleaning Equipment

Planning & Consultation

We have proven success with repeatable results. Benefit from the Nexeed know-how for processing expertise and facility planning.
Nexeed Grain and Seed Processing Equipment


Build and Installations. Removing the guess work for you, we offer the bottom line price and step-by-step installation guidance. You pick the design that fits, we deliver a complete solution; we call it Plant-in-a-Box.
Nexeed Grain and Seed Processing Equipment


Nexeed's on-demand service team is here to help! We offer flexibilty to build your processing experience EXACTLY how you want it. From the right equipment to assistance in planning, contracting, installation, and setup.

Nexeed Equipment

Nexeed equipment solutions is offering CIMBRIA Delta air screen cleaners, stoner, indent and gravity separators as well as CIMBRIA SEA optical color sorters for seed, grain, and food processing. Seed Cleaning Equipment, Seed Processing Equipment, Grain Cleaning Equipment, Grain Processing Equipment, Schule Milling Equipment, and BoMill Protein Separator Equipment.

Click the images below to see more information...

Cimbria Equipment

Cimbria SEA Optical Color Sorter

Color Sorter

Cimbria SEA Optical Color Sorter
SEA TN, CX & IQ Plus

Indent Cylinder Separator

Indent Cylinder Separator

Cimbria Heid HSR Indent Cylinder Separator

Grain Seed Pre-Cleaner or Screen Cleaner

Pre-Cleaner | Screen Cleaner

Cimbria Delta Pre-Cleaner


Gravity Separator

Cimbria Heid Gravity Separator

De-Stoner or Dry Stoner

De-Stoner | Dry Stoner

Cimbria Heid De-Stoner

Indent Cylinder Separator

Seed Treating & Coating

Cimbria Centricoater

Cyclofan at Nexeed

Highly Efficient Dust Separation

Cimbria Cyclofan

Conveyors at Nexeed

Conveyor Machines

Cimbria Conveyance Solutions

Schule Equipment

Scule at Nexeed

Schule Equipment

Schule Milling Solutions

BoMill Equipment

BoMill at Nexeed

BoMill Insight

Protein Separator

Profile Rotary Sorter

BoMill at Nexeed

Profile Industries

Rotary Sorter

View Nexeed's Gallery of over 250 images on Flickr.com!
Nexeed's Flickr Gallery

Articles from our Nexeed Experts

Indent Separator - Every Tool Has a Job

Every tool has a job to do in a cleaning facility. The Indent Separators main job is a Length Separation. Cylinders will spin and as they do the seed will flow from one end to the other.


Chris Yungblut of Nexeed Inc.
Chris Yungblut
Got Dust? Cimbria Cyclofan vs. Dust

One of your best friends when designing or upgrading a seed or grain processing plant is going to be a Cimbria Cyclofan. With a range of models...


Advanced Batch Treaters for Precision Seed Treatment

Discover Cimbria Centricoaters for optimal seed treatment solutions. Enhance your crop success by...


Air & Screen - Every Tool Has A Job

This article is going to start off a series I will be doing called “Every Tool Has A Job”. This idea came about because of the amount of customers I find myself going through the basics on why each machine is in a plant and what its specific purpose is...


Chris Yungblut of Nexeed Inc.
Chris Yungblut
How much Colour Sorter performance do you need, and at what price point?

Nexeed has the Cimbria SEA IQ Plus colour sorter, a simply amazing machine with all of it’s advanced technology and high performance.


IQ Plus Color Sorter Results: No Smoke No Mirrors

Nexeed is dedicated to serving our customers. Our state-of-the-art color sorter lab in Headingley, MB provides innovative solutions and expert support for the seed...


Seeing is Believing with the Cimbria SEA IQ PLUS

The speed with which the new IQ PLUS from Cimbria SEA can have an accurate recipe sorting seed is currently unmatched in the marketplace...


Watch this video to see Cimbria equipment in action!

Thank you Pitura Seeds for sharing this video!
Read "Insiders" articles from Nexeed's Experts on SeedWorld.com/Canada