Got Dust? Cimbria Cyclofan vs. Dust

One of your best friends when designing or upgrading a seed or grain processing plant is going to be a Cimbria Cyclofan. With a range of models, they can be sized to service multiple pieces of equipment such as air screen cleaners, gravity tables, destoners, rotary spirals, elevator legs and other conveyances.

You’ll know instantly when you walk into a plant with good air control. The machines are all operating the way they should at capacity, and the operator environment is clean with low dust levels.

We have one customer that even extended ductwork into a basement area housing the boots of bucket elevators. During housekeeping or cleaning out boots between products and varieties they fire up the Cyclofan and open the blast gate to create enough negative airflow in that space to keep fresh clean air coming in and pulling the dust out. The operators love this!

In this installation you can see the horizontal Cyclofan, model CF-20 equipped with a silencer and birdcage outlet, exhausting 20 HP worth of silenced, clean air.

Cimbria Cyclofan

The following picture shows the rotary airlock that drops the separated chaff and dust directly into a dust bin.

Cimbria Cyclofan

How does the Cyclofan accomplish all this so efficiently?

The pictures below show the specially designed impeller, and static vanes that force the incoming air to rotate, centrifugally expelling the dust particles, which are captured in the cyclone and drop through the airlock into a waste bin.

Cimbria Cyclofan
Cimbria Cyclofan
Cimbria Cyclofan

The Illustration above shows the air flow within the Cyclofan. One thing I haven’t mentioned yet is the “VariFan”, adjustable inlet vanes that can be manipulated to match the input airflow required to match required performance to energy usage. You can see the adjustment lock knob and handle in the photos below. Often a VFD is also used to control fan speed.

Cimbria Cyclofan
Cimbria Cyclofan

Next up…here is the inside of the silencer showing where the existing airflow is straightened out into two halves, with the sound deadening material absorbing annoying fan noise.

Cimbria Cyclofan

Here is a link to a Youtube video that our Nexeed Territory Manager in Alberta, Ryan Floyde filmed, that gives you a good idea how quiet these units are. The large silencers really do work well!

If efficiency, plant performance, happy employees and neighbors’ matter to you, the Cyclofan is probably right for you!

Give us a call, we’ll help you design and fit one into your next upgrade or new build.

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